Rachel Santoro, MD, PLLC
Child, Adolescent, & Adult Psychiatry
Fees & Insurance
I'm in-network with a limited set of insurance companies through a third-party company called Headway. I accept insurance for medication management only. I do not accept insurance for therapy.
Out of Network/Private Pay
For patients seeking psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and/or for patients who strongly value privacy and personalized care, private pay options are available. I can provide you with the necessary documentation to take advantage of any out of network mental health coverage you may have through your insurance plan.
My full fees* are $225 (25-minute medication follow-up) and $285 (45-minute psychotherapy session.)
*I reserve a portion of my available sessions for individuals and families whose financial circumstances are a barrier to attending therapy more than once a week. If you think psychoanalytic treatment may be a good fit for you or your child, please reach out and inquire about whether I have flexible fee spots available. Be prepared to discuss the need for fee flexibility in detail.